Archive for January, 2000

Beyond the Sunset – There Is A New Sunrise

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

It seems appropriate and indeed quite fitting, in the Christian world, that New Years follows Christmas. The twentieth century, with its many momentous crises, chasing each other from year 1900 all the way to year 2000 has at last succumbed to the inevitable march of time and has become history. The 21st century has now […]

A Voice From The Grass Roots

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

From here on the steps of my cabin on my “Back Forty”, I perceive a growing connectedness in some places and at the same time, I see an increase in disconnectedness. I see Businesses joining together to form Mega Corporations so as to better their position in the local and global markets. I see the […]

Natural Resources

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

Our Natural Resources are for us to Use, Conserve, and Reuse. After wise and considered “Use” (consuming no more than is prudent) a certain amount of waste material is sure to accumulate. What to do? First of all, it seems advisable, at the point of accumulation, to sort and classify (This would be the responsibility […]

Waste Management

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

The problem of Waste Management, the accumulation and disposal of waste products worldwide, is the number one problem among the hundred or so other problems, as I view this question from up here on my Back Forty. First of all, let us ask ourselves this question. Why do we have all of this waste? To […]

Farm Waste

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

We “are drowning in Our Waste”, reads the head line of a thought provoking article in the London Free Press, Aug. 8/01 This article deals with the problem of farm waste (cow and pig manure), produced in certain areas in Ontario by intensive livestock farming. As this article points out, these large projects are the […]


Saturday, January 1st, 2000

Yesterday was the era of the horse-drawn carriage, the walking plough and the grain binder. Today is the era of power, speed, competition, poverty and affluence, homeless people and mansion dwellers. Tomorrow has a promise of a new and better day, the day for which we all yearned, but thought would never come; that day […]

For Sale – Potable Water

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

Our country proudly boasts that we own one tenth of the world’s supply of fresh water. Certain mega corporations are now bidding for the purchase of large quantities of this water for resale abroad to some of the less fortunate people of the world who have the necessary cash to pay these water peddlers their […]

Our Criminal Justice System

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

Criminal Justice: What does it mean? I wonder how many unjust decisions, resulting in wrongful convictions, are passed through our Law Courts every year. How many completely innocent people are paying cruel penalties, perhaps with their very lives, for crimes they never even thought of committing? Who is the sinner? How many persons have committed […]

Mandatory School Oaths

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

Yes indeed, our society is in need of a standardized statement of “affirmation of allegiance”. As a matter of fact, I believe that this sort of thing is long overdue. What better place is there to start than in our school system, from Elementary through Secondary and beyond? However, I believe that we might well […]

Our Moral Dilemma

Saturday, January 1st, 2000

Hi, neighbour! Yes indeed, I do get delivery of the daily newspaper. Sometimes it is late, due to an occasional bad spell of weather. I read all of the news, the news of the happenings and reader’s comments from right around home and thanks to our modern technology, from the far corners of the world. […]