Seeds Of Wisdom From The Back Forty

Think on these things:

When all seems dark without,

we should turn within to seek

“The Inner Light”

When the whole world seems to be filled with

Hate, Distrust, Noise, Confusion and Violence we would do well to turn within and seek some “Inner Light”. Seek out a quiet place, out of reach of TV, Radio and the Internet. Here in the ensuing quiet listen for

that “Still Small Voice”.

There is much to hear when it is quiet and many things to see, even in the darkness. These are things given our Spiritual Senses alone to perceive and understand.

Without are Physical Forces, waiting for our use or misuse-

For our challenge!

Within there are Spiritual Forces waiting and anxious to direct our actions and to give us the power and courage to carry on.

Without there is Realism, the things and circumstances as they are, the world we have made.

Within is the universe’s Divine Pattern, the world that could!

Within each of us is that spark of Evolution,

the germ of Invention, The Embryo of Creation.

Without is the Manifestation of its fulfillment.

Creation is the employment of that Spiritual Force acting in co-operation with Material Substance – a combination of an Idea and its Realization!


On a clear night, as one fixes ones attention, concentrating on any one star of any magnitude, all other stars seem to retire into the night sky and become of secondary importance. They seem to radiate about that one star, which becomes the common center. It seems as one gazes fixedly, as though that star were the center of the whole universe with all the other stars revolving around it.

So it is, using this analogy concerning each Individual Person, if one fixes ones attention and concentrates on oneself, one tends to take on a similar relationship. Egotism, an overdeveloped sense of “self- importance” develops in ones mind which makes one seem to stand out from all others. Around this “I” entity, the whole of society, even civilization, seems to center and revolve.

When one focuses on that one ‘Star”, “I”, causing it to seemingly shine above all others. In this way, one then becomes a “Star-gazer”.

This same analogy may be applied to the Larger Society of which we are all living parts. Each social unit, whether religious or secular; whether family, village, town, city, province, country or biological species of nature, tends to develop a similar complex. In every category except the last one, this is referred to as “Patriotism”. This feeling runs all the way from love of “self” to the love of our country (Nationalism) and the “Human Race” This feeling is natural and good when experienced in moderation.

However this feeling of Belonging requires modification in order to facilitate Unity and Co-operation– person to family, person to social group, civic relationship, person to nation, person to civilization, and to the whole of Life.

Today, when our world is becoming more and more like a “Global Village” with all of the, as yet many unknown, consequences, ones allegiances to ones country, ones race or nation should now diminish and give place to the love of all of the world including all Life living upon it.

It is in this way I believe, we can find the true answer to:

“International Peace and Fellowship”.

Our Neighbour is not only the person next door or across the street or over the line fence. Our neighbour is also the person or the group of persons who need our concern and support, in times of Joy as well as in times of Sorrow, Loneliness and Want.

Yours from the “Back Forty”

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

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