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A Prophetic Vision From The Back Forty (page 4)

Does this all seem like a dream of an old visionary, drunken on the wine of Nature in the retreat of some "back forty"?

No, I think not. The pieces of our economic puzzle are already made. It now remains for all of us to help fit them together in their proper places to make the picture as visualized.

The keystone of a democratic organization is a constitution, a manifesto, or creed, which is a list of rules and an outline of purpose. I believe that the Christian analogy would use the concept of the "I AM" in the center where two or three (or more) are gathered together. In this case the Constitution (produced by the unanimous will of the people) becomes the center and therefore the head of the organization.

Today, we mistakenly assume the party leader, the Prime Minister, the President, the Governor, the Chairman of the Board, or the Mayor of a town to be the leader and head of a government or other organization.

The head of the Democratic society which I visualize for Humanity, would have such a constitution to set forth its purpose along with a set of rules for operating a government. This constitution would certainly be drawn up by competent individuals appointed by the people.

Such an organization might rightly be called a Techno-Democracy an organization of people formed to operate and control our ready-to-go Technological, Production, Distribution complex.

All of the above is possible and can happen if enough of us wish it to happen. The choice is ours to make. We can either choose to accept the Status Quo, and travel in the fast lane in order to keep ahead of the other fellow. This is the way of the Jet Set, the "Free Enterprise, competitive way", where "Me first" is the motto. Or, we can decide to go with those thousands, who are concerned about fellow mankind and Mother Nature, whose motto is "We will do it together". The way of change is the way of a new concept of deciding to put the principles of our Christian Civilization into practice. This involves taking those wonderful slogans off of the wall and putting them to work.

This new way recognizes that it is morally wrong to exploit another, whether a human being or one of Nature's creations or materials.

"Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, then you have done it unto ME."


Next Chapter:  Epilogue

Dedication     Acknowledgements     Preface     A Word About The Author
Where It All Began    My Beginning    The Days Of My Youth     Home-Made Bread And Farmer's Market     Patent No. 261912

Some Rural Characters And Events     The Party Line Telephone     My Ma And Pa    The House Where I Was Born
The Symphony Of The Seasons    Trial And Error    Down South -- A Family Vacation    Outward And Onward     A Profile Of Me
Prophetic Vision From The Back Forty    Epilogue

Copyright © by Ken Muma
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