This new society could be visualized as a “Federation of “Nationalities”, which would be built from a Federation of Neighborhoods”. “This in turn, would expand into a “Federation of Federations”. And on up the pyramid to the “World Federation”. “The Word”, the charter of the people, representing a new dispensation, would contain the governing principles of this global organization. Thus, in this manner, from the Grass Roots, the people of the world–all Nations, Colour, Gender, Religious Belief, and Culture, male and female could, co-operatively share in this great plan of rescuing our Planet from the prophesied inevitable catastrophe.
The foundation on which “The Charter” would be built would be this statement of universal belief:
Our world is just a fragment of the whole Universe, which was created by some great, all-powerful, invisible, mysterious, mathematically undetectable “Force”, which we will never fully know and except in part, never fully understand. This “Power”, which now, is indeed, an integral part of all of Life, has been given a number of names, “God”, “Jehovah”, “All Mighty One”, “Heavenly Father”, “Creator”, “Great Spirit”, etc.
We further believe that along with the creation of our Universe, a complete set of Physical and Spiritual laws or rules was created and left in our keeping. These Laws, alone, control and govern all of Creation, the parts we have known as well as those other parts, which we do not yet know. The practical application of these laws controls our relationship among ourselves as well as our relationship to all other Life Entities in our environment.
There shall be no Political or National boarders separating groups of individuals. For control and operational purpose, certain Geographical and Geological boundaries may need to be assumed. Private Property rights and Territorial rights would naturally follow that redundant trilogy of Free Enterprise, Business and Political Partyism to that popular recycling bin.
As I mentioned, the Master Creator enacted two basic Laws, which were responsible for all of His Creation. The first law, we recognize as “The law of competition or the Survival of the Fittest”. Although this law was appropriate to life in the jungle days, when life in the numerous, various forms was being created, it was seen that it was not going to be such a good idea after Mankind had evolved. So it was that the Creator established the “Law of Co-operation”. This law, henceforth, was to supersede the first law in most matters of human relationships.
Then it was discovered that man could co-operate more effectively, when he himself had a feeling of some sense of accomplishment and well-being. In the course of time, this first law, the “Law of Competition” was modified somewhat, to apply so that Men and Women could learn to compete with themselves in order to gain self-improvement and self-respect. These two laws now stand together in the “Book of Life”. The 1st. law, according to the Christian Bible, translates as follows:
“We each should learn to honor and to respect each of those divine, inner qualities of kindness, forgiveness, gentleness, love of beauty in the sights and sounds in nature and to so improve ourselves, that we may be enabled to contact that essence of God within each of us.”
The 2nd Law: “We each must learn to respect each of our neighbours, as a member the larger Family of Creation, which indeed we are. We need to understand and to respect, all color and cultural differences in this diversified realm of mankind. We must learn this truth: ‘We are each other’s Life Support system’ and therefore are needed for each other’s well being”. “We are our brother’s keeper”. In order to survive as the Human Species, and to create harmony in society, as well as to save and protect our environment, we must all work together. Co-operation among families, among communities, among races, among cultures, among religions is what this revised concept of society, “Vi-Tocracy”, is all about.
This document has expressed concerns about the millions of people, worldwide, who are not just hungry, but starving. This treatise is about homeless human beings, who wonder why, in this world of more than plenty to share? This concern is about the wanton destruction of our forests, our soil, our wetlands, our lakes, our rivers, as well as our wild life on the plains, in the forests, the streams, the rivers and oceans. I have written this discussion because I, as well as countless others, am deeply troubled by Man’s apparent inhumanity to fellow man. Daily, I ponder the question of Nation warring against Nation in order to acquire more wealth, superiority and security for themselves. I ponder the question of selfish aggressiveness, especially among families, who are overstressed, trying to balance their meager budgets.
To me, it is important that this document of profound ideas and answers to vital, troubling questions be given careful consideration. Having done this, please convey your reaction to me and to other similar minds! What are your thoughts?
You may contact me by post, by e-mail or by voice mail. Your neighborhood, your world, needs to know what can be done about our sick and suffering society.
If what I have attempted to say to you is “good news”, pass it along to someone else. Remember, our world is asking for the answer! People such as you and me make up this world society. People do make a difference! Ah yes!
Now, allow me to summarize: From the dawn of civilization, the “Society of Man” has lived in competition, not only with Nature but also with fellow man. This Society has always been controlled by a product /service distribution system which, for the lack of a better name, we call the “Money Price system”. The benefits as well as the detriments of this system have been well documented many times by many learned scholars and social workers as well as philosophers have administered potions and band-Aids in an endeavor to heal this diseased society. Although this work is highly commendable, I have already pointed out that a real “cure” is possible and within reach. Until such a cure is in place and working these palliatives will be of great value.
However, it is of great importance that the cause and the cure must of necessity be repeatedly made known. No man knows for sure when that “hour cometh” when the “Old Wine Skin” must be discarded and replaced by the “New One”.
The time will surely come for this to happen! It is therefore expedient to have this “New Wine Skin” ready for use, to replace that “Old one”.
From; “The Back Forty” – Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)