Our Crowded Planet

January 1st, 2000

Considering the many hazards of over population on our planet, this web page author from the “Back Forty” is quite concerned about that very contentious subject of Birth Control. I believe that there are acceptable methods without having to resort to artificial Abortion. Nature has her own several birth-control “devices” which medical science is currently trying to negate in order to produce more little people. I wish to comment on these. They form a very contentious issue right now in government and in religious fields.

It seems that the Creator sees fit to allow some individuals, both male and female, to be born who either are not capable of reproducing their kind or have no desire to do so, (Gays and Lesbians). For those individuals, either male or female who were born sterile or other ways incapable of reproducing, medical reproductive science has found ways of correcting the situation and so increasing the yield of babies. Artificial insemination and fertilization are both unnatural procedures requiring these contentious as well as hazardous “egg banks” and “sperm banks” for the process. At the present time there is a heated debate surrounding these various methods of unnatural child reproduction. The “Back Forty” believes that since God through Mother Nature is trying to help us limit Population Growth, we should follow up and help them in all the ways that we can. There are certain vested interests concerned in population growth, so it behooves us, who are concerned, to work against these vested interests of gregarious man.

Then there is that other Nature contrived device of having “Gays” and “Lesbians” born into our society. Well I think that we had better get around to accepting these natural human beings as natural members of society, our society. They are all doing their part in a unique role of Population Control. Let us so honor them and accord them equal opportunity in our culture, our work place and in our society. After all these folks have been in our world society for as long as the human race has been racing.

Timothy Haystubble – (Grass Roots Philosopher)


January 1st, 2000

Well, here we are again!

I hope that you are still on line, because I wish to talk to you about that very important issue of “Survival”. I recall that it was that eminent biologist, Charles Darwin who propounded the thesis, giving rise to the phrase “Survival of the Fittest”. This, he correctly assumed from his observation of wild life in their natural environment, was the way that wild life competed and survived the hazards of their natural environment. However, I do not recall him saying that Human life was ordained to follow this “Law of the Jungle”, in order to survive in society.

Survival among all living things is of paramount concern for the continuation of their species. Although Darwin also observed another natural law, equally applicable in nature, the “Law of Co-existence and Interdependence”, this principle did not suit the rulers and would be rulers of the germinating Industrial Revolution. This law tells us that all living things, including people are dependant on each other of their own species as well as among various other species and forms of “Life Energies”. We often refer to this law as “the instinct for survival”. In the wild we observe this as a struggle to survive, which is made more precarious when humans enter the picture at the dominant position as master of all creation. This law of survival tells me that natural elements, if used wisely as resource products have a tendency to naturally renew themselves in a sustainable manner. It follows that the corollary of this is: If we over use, we are sure to lose (waste not, want not).

In conclusion, I suggest that if Mankind as a species is to survive, then we must get busy and begin the design for a society that is built around the principles of Cooperation as opposed to Competition as the fundamental way of life. In this society, “Caring and Sharing” would become the universal watchword.

Let us not be the dominant life form that, in its greed, reaching for the summit of the wrong peak, slipped and fell into oblivion!

Timothy Haystubble – (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Prophetic Vision

January 1st, 2000

Hello there, are you still on line?

I call this, “A Vision for the Twenty-first Century”.

I sat here on my humble Doorstep and gazed into the East as the Sun was setting in the west. This, you must admit, is quite a paradox. But as I saw the sun go down on the twentieth century, I saw a new Sun rise in a vision before me. This is a vision for the twenty-first century – the beginning of a new millennium.

The year 2000 can mark the beginning of an Old Concept revived for all men and women to live by in peace and harmony. In this vision, mankind has at last found a way to live in peace with his Neighbours and with Nature. Wars and all strivings among neighbours and with Nature are considered unthinkable. Of the world’s natural abundance – that which was left unspoiled by thoughtless generations past- a way has been found to distribute, to each person, those things and services necessary for a simpler, yet healthful and satisfying life.

Thus the old order ended. Out of its decay, with the help of Scientists, Technicians, Engineers and the Co-operative effort of millions of eager Grass Root folks, grew this New Society of which I will now tell you.

Although I wish everyone “on line” to take the time to look, listening and see my Vision, I appeal especially to Nature Conservationists, Ecologists, Social Workers, Peace Activists as well as Peace Pacifists, Scientists, Technicians and all of you who are concerned about the future well-being of our Earth and its Civilization.

The keynote of a little book, which I have written, “New Wine Skins for New Wine”, is three little magic words, “Care and Share”. This book tells how this principle applies when used in a non-competitive society. When you read, you will discover my latest Invention, a Social Invention, which I contrived right here on my Back Forty. This invention, going by the name “New Wine Skins” and is a practical, technological method of distributing any of the goods and services contrived and produced by Humans for Humans to every one of the six billion or so people on our planet, in an ecologically, sustainable manner.

With this invention, I visualize a Planet wholly owned and managed by and for People and Nature, co-existing sustainably; not by groups of people vying for positions of superiority and dominance. This invention proposes, for the first time, a true “Cashless system” that would replace the existing, “Looney, Dime and Crime” system which we have had for countless millennia. The system pits one individual against another individual in a struggle to not only survive, but to be the best – most superior.

There could be many benefits for this new cashless society, freed from the shackles of our Money Price System controlled by Party politics. Cooperation and sharing among Neighbours would become the order of the day replacing the present-day rivalry, mistrust and quarrelling. Caring and Sharing would become the easy, natural thing to do as we succumb to this new and better method for the distribution of the necessities for a healthful, holistic life, which is the birthright of every person.

Does this sound like some form of Utopia? This I do not deny. The time is now over due for us to experience this sort of “Utopia”. Now is the time to seed over that old hay stubble, so that we can get this New Growth on the way!

Here let me mention a few of the ongoing advantages. Those poverty stricken, malnourished human beings, now being held captive in those crime-breading grounds of the slum areas in our cities and even in our rural areas, could be given their freedom when their polluted environment could be replaced by one that was pollution free and safe for people in which to live and work and play. Every one of the several billion human souls with undernourished, diseased bodies, in those so-called developing areas could, in time, be adequately fed, clothed, housed and made whole according to their cultural needs and life style. The millions of unemployed individuals around the world could be given the opportunity at meaningful employment in the new scheme of things in this world of tomorrow.

This “New Wine Skins”, invention would no doubt lead to the development of a society, which would be tuned to operate with less stress and competition for security, providing more leisure time and desire to listen to the happy songs of our somewhat depleted and forgotten bird Neighbours. We would have more time to breathe fresh air again, when Pollution would become but a bad memory.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Science Fiction

January 1st, 2000

Hello there! Here we are again!

I keep thinking about a very imaginative article, which appeared in the newspaper recently. It told about the probability that some day soon mankind will be able to start colonizing outer space.

With all due respect to the author, James Lovell, as a person, and an Astronaut who had the privilege of walking on the moon (actually) as well as a scientist and science fiction writer, I find myself taking issue with his highly imaginative prediction that we earthlings will literally be able to conquer “Space Travel” during this century.

The fact is, as I see it, our civilization will not be able to accomplish this imaginative, stupendous undertaking as long as we have a “money price, profit system” plus “party politics” in control of our society. On the other hand, if and when we eventually decide to abandon this system of dual control, then it would appear that there would be no need for us Humans to expand off of our planet. When “we the People” instead of Power Grabbers are finally in control of our destiny, there is yet and there will be on into the future, plenty of healthy space here on our home planet.

I believe the compelling reason, for such an ambitious project, is for the speculative monetary profit for Big Industry, backed by Big Bankers.

This Web Page believes that there are many, much more useful projects right here at home for which our scientists and technicians can devote their time and energy. Are we not already living in space? The Hayseed Philosopher wishes James Lovell and his followers, God speed and pleasant dreaming. However it is better to get out of bed, out of the “laze boy” and help to work out a logical, scientific (not science fiction) method for the distribution of goods and services for us six billion folks of all ages, colour and gender, right here on Planet Earth.

I have no doubt that this can be done. Read my treatise, soon to be on line, “New Wine Skins for New Wine”.

Watch this Web Page for more “Grass Root News”.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)


January 1st, 2000

Hello there! Are you still on line?

Well here is another day! It seems like a nice enough day, bright and cheery like! I think that nice things are going to happen to us today. So it’s best to be prepared.

Today, I have a prompting to talk about Education. This important topic is very much in the minds of most folks these days. In our schools, we have always been expected to learn what we call the “three Rs”. This may have been good enough at one time. However, in today’s world of work and living, science and technology we now need to add another letter to this alphabet. This other letter deals with a special training, of the mind and body, which is required by all young men and women, so that they will be able to go out into the world and contribute to the welfare of their little group, in an effective and enjoyable way.

In other words, it seems necessary for everyone to survive in as an enjoyable a way as is naturally possible. Besides learning to make a living, we need to learn how to live with one another in the community where we are at the moment, in work as well as in our recreation or play time. Besides the “three Rs”, we must add a “C” for co-operation in work and play. I expect most of you remember hearing an old cliché “All work and no play, makes Jack (or Jill) a dull person”. The skill of Co-operation, which sometimes leads to compromise, is one of the most needed and yet the most neglected skill which everyone, not just politicians, should learn and practice.

For a long time, our culture has emphasized the necessity for Competition (another C, but the direct opposite) as an absolute necessity for survival in our increasingly competitive world. We have lived by that overemphasized cliché, which it is said, Darwin propounded to the academic world as a biological truism. Today, we are slowly learning that Co-operation among individuals in society, as well as in Nature, recognizing the dynamics of diversity, is the surest and safest way to security, with sustainability, for our species.

I have recently become acquainted with a “private” co-operatively organized and operated Educational system, struggling to follow the precepts of their governing philosophy. The Waldorf Schools of Education are examples of true co-operative education. Here the parents of the pupils along with the teachers form a school system, where each in theory shares the responsibility of the child’s education as well as the school’s sustainability as a community organization. Such an experiment, although not new, at this time especially, needs public understanding and endorsement in order to become successful in our Free Enterprise society.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)


Hello there! Are you still on line?

Have you checked your mailbox, the one at your front or your back door? You are sure to find some mail there, even if it is that so-called Junk Mail. Then there is all of that telemarketing mail one is forced to browse through on the Internet when one goes on line. However annoying and difficult this is, I believe that we should deal kindly with these matters. After all, these individuals and companies responsible for these devices through their marketing boards, etc., find it necessary to do business this way in order to make a living. In our society of highly competitive free enterprise it is necessary to hustle and struggle to “make a living”, in order to obtain food, clothing and some form of shelter as well as to obtain health products and services.

All of this makes for “Security”, which we all need in life order to survive. Each and every living thing, whether animal or plant is born with an inner feeling or urge for “Security”. Did you ever think of this?

“Security” is a word with which we are all familiar. But what is real “Security”?

I believe that “Security” is more than having enough nutritious food to eat. It is more than having clothes to keep us warm and dry. It is more than having a shelter called a “house” in which to live. It is more than having furniture and appliances for the house, which allow it to become a home. Security is more than all of these material things.

Security is having friends and Neighbours with whom we can talk and play, when the time is right for these activities. Security is having a little bit of our territory, which we can call our own, knowing that we will always have it, like a baby and its favorite blanket or teddy bear. Security is a neighborhood of friendly people who are willing and even anxious to share that of which they have a surplus in order to supplement your deficiency.

Security is having someone with a shoulder you can cry on. Security is the feeling we have when we know that the life- giving products of the world can be equally available to one and all for the asking when needed. Security is being able to freely express oneself without sensor and condemnation.

Security is what we could all experience in a “Care and Share”, co-operative type of social system. For more information, I suggest that you read more about this new concept in my upcoming treatise, which I have named “New Wine Skins for New Wine”

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Hello There! Are You On Line Today?

January 1st, 2000

I would like to remind you that this is “Our day!”

I did not say “My day”.

It does behove us to use it wisely and well, not just for ourselves, but also for our Neighbours and our Friends — all of those with whom we come into contact!

This is “Our day”!

Yesterday went when the sun rose this morning. Tomorrow will not come until the sun sets in the west and we have had the privilege of a night of restful sleep.

Just think of all of the possibilities we have today, to help ourselves, and in doing so, give some, even though a little, help to our neighbour as well, when the need is so indicated. There are many little things as well as significant things, no matter what the size, that we each can do. Each flower adds a little more beauty to our garden.

It is a natural Fact of Life- though not so well known- “Everything that we Do, Think or Say, somehow affects our lives as well as the lives of each and all of our Neighbours”.

Yes, I believe this is so!

For our own good at least, therefore, we should be careful what we Do, Think and Say!

When the sun sets on our day, whether it is when the sun has actually gone down or when we have finally said, “That’s all for today”, do we think back over this day’s activities and ask ourselves, “Did I do the best I could at the time, for myself and those many others around me?”

In order to be sure of this, I think that we should always try to let our Light of Influence shine brightly so that those others can catch a pleasant, happy gleam.

Keep Shining!

Timothy Haystubble, (Grass Roots Philosopher)