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A Prophetic Vision From The Back Forty (page 2)

During the fifty years following the second world war, we humans, in our turbulent, industrialized world, have been frantically trying to make amends; to dry the tears of the vanquished and to recover and rebuild the "old order", which we had so ignorantly and vengefully destroyed on both sides, by our huge war machines. Yes, we had destroyed each other's industry and commerce, we had killed and maimed millions of young and old men, women and children, if they were in the line and range of fire. We destroyed each other's art and culture as well as our natural environment. I guess this is what WAR is all about. Those who take the way of the sword will perish by the sword.

So it was, we, superior, industrial man, had to work hard to get caught up. Working hard meant that we had to improve our methods of doing things -- the same old things -- we had done to keep ahead. Keeping up with the Joneses, you know, means getting and keeping one step ahead. It seems to be a social "no-no" to travel shoulder to shoulder. Just so, it seems to be the diplomatic thing, internationally, to always keep ahead as a nation; most superior is best.

Consequently, technology reproduced itself and grew at a rate governed by our politics, coupled with the profit motive of our "democratic" (?) way of life. These new and more efficient industries and businesses grew from the roots of the old, yielding more Profits and more Competition.

We must, it seems to me, abandon the concept of "I for me" and instead plant the seeds of that Christian concept of "We for us". Charities galore abound to make life easier for the unfortunate and the destitute within our social framework, at home and abroad. This is very well, but this assumes that "The poor you will have with you always". The real need is to change the situations that caused the needs. We must, much sooner than later, accept the fact that the real need is to change the "Modus operandi" of our social system. There are many who think that our present concept of society is workable as is, and are horrified to think of any change. Most people tend to resist change, little realizing that subtle change of our own making is going on around us every day. These changes are gradually worsening the condition of our general welfare. Those that have, seem to be getting more of life's essentials, while those who have little or none, seem to be getting still less. However, this is the way Free Enterprise is meant to work.

I believe that Jesus said, we must learn to understand ourselves, our strengths and our weaknesses. We must revere and respect our potential and then set about to develop that which is uniquely ourselves. But HE cautioned that if we do this without the understanding that we must also show respect, understanding and caring for our Neighbours, then we will surely become self-centered, self-opinionated, egotistical, and arrogant. This is the path to leadership as well as to the formation of dictators and tyrants.

On the other hand, when we understand that we are truly a part of a family of neighbours and are dependent on neighbours for our own and their livelihood, then we can really become successful as a person, an "I AM", a "WE ARE". This is, I believe, what Jesus meant when he answered that perpetual question, what is the greatest commandment. This, I believe, explains what my Uncle Michael, long ago, affirmed in Friends' Meeting for Worship, when he said: "Selfishness is the root of all evil."

I believe that, world wide, our culture over-emphasizes this First Law, thinking that this alone, gives us personal salvation -- if personal salvation, then, eventually world salvation. What really happens, is that we tend to develop competitiveness, crime and violence among ourselves as we strive for superiority over our fellow creatures. This concept tends to pit one culture, one nation, one race, one religion, against another, leading in the end to violent unrest, poverty, deprivation, disease and war.

Obviously, then, the way to peace must be the way of that GREAT COMMANDMENT, the concept of caring, sharing, discussion, understanding, agreement or compromise where and when needed. Then the fruits of our change of attitude, our "Born Again" to a new concept of living, will tend to give Peace, Harmony and Good-Will a chance to sprout, grow and bring forth fruits.

No, Peace is not obtained or secured by waging war, winning a war, a superior armed force or military peace keepers. None of these things bring or promote peace. Peace comes about from caring and sharing and mutual understanding. It must be learned soon, that a competitive, free enterprise society as we know of it today, was not designed with the "Caring and Sharing" as the bottom line. We, here in Canada and the United States, in our favoured position, do influence the rest of the world. These so-called third-world countries are looking to us for leadership. Just as, now they have attempted to copy our stressful, competitive way of life, our "me first attitude", so they can and will follow us when we -- should we care to do so -- follow a cooperative, caring and sharing set of rules.

I am aware of at least one road-block on any new path to world peace and stability. I, of course, refer to our war machines around the world and the national and international munitions industries supporting them and furnishing them with weapons and research to produce new and better armament. These industries, whose numbers are legion, give paying jobs and positions and some sort of security to millions of people who depend on their continued operation for their livelihood.

If the governing bodies in the countries of the western hemisphere had the political will to take action on behalf of the millions of our able-bodied men and women, I am sure that alternative products could readily be found for these industries. We have many brilliant scientists and skilled technicians who would gladly direct their attention from machines and chemistry of destruction to machines and chemicals of construction for the well-being of the people and the natural environment of our world. Swords into Plowshares.

Human beings, in common with all other life-forms, have a natural need to feel secure. Everyone has a desire to be needed in the society wherein he and his family reside. We all like to feel that we have made some sort of a mark. We all have an inherent desire and a need for others of our kind. We cannot live unto ourselves alone.

There seem to be two basic social requirements. This time "two" is the magical number, not three as is usually associated this way. The first requirement is that every able-bodied person, of whatever race, nationality, sex or religion, be given an opportunity, according to his or her ability and preference to some sort of a job that adds to the social and public benefit. In this world of yet unexplored opportunities I am sure that there are jobs for everyone. It should only be necessary for the job seeker to have and use the necessary will to seek and choose. It is also necessary for us who are his neighbour to be willing to share opportunities with the less astute.

The second requirement is that every individual must be able to receive the benefits of any of the goods and services, produced and supplied that he or she has a need of for a healthy, not extravagant, "Life Style".

As of now, our manufacturing and service industries, thanks to our engineers and technicians, can produce and supply an abundance of every commodity and service required for healthy living, without polluting or destroying the environment. As of now, our communications and our transportation systems are more than adequate to supply our needs. The missing element is a new and different device or medium of exchange (monetary system), so that these goods and services can be moved from the supplier to the consumer in an efficient and reliable manner. In short, we need a monetary system having as its bottom line "caring and sharing", to replace the current system with its bottom line which seems to be "Profit".

Let me emphasize, without the handicap of our highly competitive, profit motivated economy, it is quite possible to operate all of our necessary industries without the production of waste and pollution. Yes, it is technically possible.

Technology offers several ways to do any one thing -- several ways to manufacture an article, a product of whatever nature. The choice depends on several factors in regard to society's concepts and priorities. In our society, it seems the usual choice is the method that gives the producer the greatest profits, the greatest advantage over the competition, without regard for any adverse side-effects. These side-effects are pollution in many forms, material. waste and over-consumption of many of our irreplaceable natural resources. All of these side-effects are, in the ultimate, detrimental to the general health and well-being of our population.


Next  (page 3)

Dedication     Acknowledgements     Preface     A Word About The Author
Where It All Began    My Beginning    The Days Of My Youth     Home-Made Bread And Farmer's Market     Patent No. 261912

Some Rural Characters And Events     The Party Line Telephone     My Ma And Pa    The House Where I Was Born
The Symphony Of The Seasons    Trial And Error    Down South -- A Family Vacation    Outward And Onward     A Profile Of Me
Prophetic Vision From The Back Forty    Epilogue

Copyright © by Ken Muma
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