For Sale – Potable Water

Our country proudly boasts that we own one tenth of the world’s supply of fresh water. Certain mega corporations are now bidding for the purchase of large quantities of this water for resale abroad to some of the less fortunate people of the world who have the necessary cash to pay these water peddlers their asking price. It is presumed that if they cannot pay then they must remain thirsty and perhaps dry up and get lost in the wind of Big Business.

This commodity is one of the essential elements required for the production and sustenance of all Life. Because this essential commodity, water, is a part of life itself, it should not be used by Business whether for buying or selling. Industry alone without any help from Business can process and distribute this Natural Resource. In fact Business should have nothing to do with the use and distribution of any of the earth’s Natural Resources.

I repeat, fresh potable water is not available for purchase or for sale! As with all other resources, natural or processed, water is an essential resource to be shared with those parts of the world, where and when needed, governed by the sanction of the People in a true democratic manner.

For sure, water is not for sale, either wholesale or retail! If and when the needs are made known, then these needs can be met as a commodity to be shared with no strings attached. The only payment necessary is a heartfelt. “Thank you!”

Well, this is my View from the “Back Forty”.

What is your view from where you are?

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

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