Our Moral Dilemma

Hi, neighbour!

Yes indeed, I do get delivery of the daily newspaper. Sometimes it is late, due to an occasional bad spell of weather. I read all of the news, the news of the happenings and reader’s comments from right around home and thanks to our modern technology, from the far corners of the world. I read what the reporters have sent in for the reading public to know. Thanks to the marvels of television, I learn that not only some of my deeply concerned neighbours as well as many other concerned folks and other socially active groups are reacting with increasing alarm at the growing depravity of the morals of our society in general.

I see these justifiably concerned men and women as well as groups -organizations- mounting campaigns of reform. I see concerned and well-intentioned religious and motivational speakers with and without credentials, encouraging and pleading their listeners to adjust to the much-sanctified “Status Quo”. This, they claim, is the only way to save the plight of us simple everyday folk, those more privileged ones as well as the environment, our planet. They infer in no uncertain terms that we have erred and gone astray from the “old-time” moral dictates. This ” social environment”, which we have all helped to create, is the place where we must all live and endure for better or for worse.

I really believe that we have forgotten that Mankind and no one else created and developed the basis for our civilization. This basis, which I am referring to, is the “Money Price System” coupled with Party Politics.

This determines and controls who gets what, how much and when, of all of the goods and services generated by our various industries. We are taught to call this arrangement competitive free enterprise, the good.

I gather, from what I read in the newspaper that the chief troublemaker in our society deals with the use of Money, that commodity which the favored minority has too much of. Wars have been continually fought, but never really won, at home and abroad in order to obtain possession of the other fellow’s treasures. We have been carefully taught through many years of scarcity and human ingenuity that it has been necessary to build a stock pile, whether of money, bonds, and securities or of things that can be converted into cash, for our own personal or national security. We have also been taught that we must always struggle and compete in order to get ahead in life.

However, our science, engineering and technology have, at the beginning of this third Millennium, by and large, made our lives potentially more secure and enjoyable. Then along came the modern day, electronic miracle of the Silicone Chip, and the integrated circuit, which gave birth to the computer revolution. This has made life richer for the rich and poorer for the poor, as we embraced another way to make large profits.

However this mysterious little silicone chip, along with fiber optics and the integrated circuit, given a certain prescribed roll in a new scheme of things, can work wonders far beyond our imagination. As I thought along these lines, I imagined this lowly Little Chip replacing the use of all forms of the currency we have today. This could provide a method for distribution of any and all goods and services which we, mankind, enjoy today without any of the detrimental side effects giving us these moral problems. Those problems associated with poverty, street crimes, unemployment, broken homes, hunger, homelessness, quarrelling, as well as individuals broken in body and mind, would I believe, in time fade away, as we become adjusted to a new type of society.

By making full use of our science and technology, in a co-operative “Care and Share” environment, would go a long way to solving this moral dilemma, which is now troubling our society. This is the way I view the situation from the little cabin on my Back Forty. Yes, it is quite all right to keep on giving “aspirins” in order to temporarily relieve the aches and pains. However until we attack the seat of the trouble, we must keep on giving these “sedatives” in the vain faith that a cure may eventually result. However, it is usual that the symptoms will continue to worsen and like an epidemic spread and multiply until corrective measures are taken.

Well, this is my VIEW! Now let me hear yours! Please email me your comments.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

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