Federal Throne Speech and All That

Well, I listened and watched, with interest and with some considerable amazement, the traditional opening of the Parliament of the Federal Government of Canada. She, the Governor General, beautifully read the traditional “Throne Speech”, page after page, after page, reminding us of those many unfulfilled and forgotten promises of yesteryear and again promising, many things they cannot or do not intend to do, depending on the wishes of the several, influential Party backers as well as the required budgeted funds. All the time of the reading, the faithful party members sat listening in an attentive, approving manner? The many opposition party members listened uneasily, wishing for the reading to end so that, they too, could express themselves in regard to this seemingly, endless speech (reading).

As I listened, I wondered, why did the Governor General have to read this speech for the Prime Minister? Did he wish to put himself at “arm’s length” from these ideas, which were, in fact only partly his? Surely his Cabinet and his staff of co-workers as well, had considerable input?

Then the thought persists, why do we need this official called “Governor General”? We, the franchised voters and ratepayers, never have any voice in its appointment. On the other hand we did show a unanimous vote to elect this Liberal leader as our Prime Minister along with a collection of faithful party members. From among these Party members, according to the Constitution, he was required to select or reselect the required number of qualified individuals to form his “Cabinet”. These Cabinet members would form the various government departments necessary to govern this great Dominion in its many, varied facets.

Why a Governor General?

The answer is, I suppose, tradition. It is very difficult to break away from tradition, as long as it appears to be performing its useful function. I believe that the time has now come for us to consider this and many other “traditions”, which have outlived their usefulness and are cluttering our social environment.

I recall there was a need expressed in this Throne Speech for a complete overhaul of the Parliamentary System of our government. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century seems to be the time to earnestly consider this.

It was also suggested that the changes made, should be so made as to be in keeping with our development in technology, of which we are, justly proud.

We were also reminded that we are living in a global society. This also must be taken into consideration in any future planning. We have long considered ourselves as living in a Democracy, even if, for the most part, our laws and our actions are not, by definition, always “democratic”

From the invention of the wheel and the associated mechanical devices from the discovery of the miracle powers of Nature’s forces, especially “electrical”, with the resulting Industrial, Commercial, Communications revolutions, the miracles of this 21st century were produced. It is well known that many cultural changes have taken place to accommodate the physical changes.

During the course of these revolutions, our one medium of exchange for the distribution of these goods and services has been our much-revered “Money Price System” in its many different guises. However, now at the beginning of the 21st century is the opportune time for a change. We have, with our developing of our sophisticated communications network devices and systems, the efficient means to peacefully overthrow these “money changers” for the good of our country, and our planet, our civilization and our ecology.

We have learned how to produce in abundance, all of the necessities for the lives of some six billions of us human beings, in a sustainable manner. By the same token then, why is it not possible to distribute to each one of these members of the human race a just proportion of these goods and services required for a healthy, dignified existence? If we all really care, we can share!

As we have heard paraphrased many times, “Seek and you shall find, ask and it will be given to you according to your present need”. We would need but to ask with the swiping motion of our personal, plastic “Share Card” which we would carry with us in lieu of money for the purchase of all of life’s available necessities, as well as our ID card.

You will notice that, by definition, I have expanded the term “democracy” to include, our much-abused member and co-worker of our human race. I refer to Mother Nature with all of her energies and resources.

The word “Vi-Tocracy”, when examined carefully seems to fill all of these requirements, embracing the governance of both human beings and “natural resources”(plants, animal life, minerals and energy), in fact, all of LIFE, Spiritual as well as Physical.

Yours for one universal government of all creatures, Great and Small”

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

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