This Game Of Politics

Why do we keep playing this old game at which the ordinary citizen seldom if ever wins?

The Politicians, Bankers with their Money Changers, the assumed leaders in the “Have plenty” countries, fiddle and faddle about their personal security and prestige, while the welfare of their world as well as the world of the rest of us, is allowed to suffer by neglect. The air and water pollution grows steadily worse. The soil, on which we live and which is responsible for the food, which nourishes our bodies, is dangerously being neglected and contaminated. The millions of the poor keep getting poorer as the rich get richer, bitten by the “affluenza virus”.

I ask this question, why should we insist on letting the Politicians with their co-workers in the Banking World keep control of our World Resources, our Industries, our Welfare Institutions and our Distribution Systems?

Products of all kinds have been and are continuously being designed, engineered and made by Technicians and Trained Operators, using materials originally acquired from Nature. Each and all of these finished products are distributed by Transportation to the consuming public (you and I) by trained operators and technicians, either by road, rail, air or water.

Our Communications systems work hand in hand with Transportation and are also operated and maintained by special technicians, trained operators and engineers.

Our Health and Welfare Systems as well, are staffed and operated by skilled, trained individuals, in the form of doctors, nurses and special technicians using products researched and produced by Industry. It should be noted, in every case stated above that the operating-controlling personnel are products of an educational system, which is also staffed by qualified people.

In reply to my initial question, it seems that a naiveté public, whose life habits and expectations, dating prior to the Industrial Revolution, allows this “Politicians and Bankers” society to continue to rule the lives of billions of us individual inhabitants.

At that time, it seems that there were not enough of the necessities to go around. This material fact made it seem necessary to develop a system of social control through product distribution. Thus, it seemed necessary to decide who, what group or which individual or individuals could get what and how much.

Now, we in the twenty-first century have thoroughly learned the arts and the techniques for producing a great plenty of the essentials for living in a health giving life-style for everyone. What we did not learn however was how to design a just and equable method of distribution of these essential products and services to each and every person.

The time is now well over-due to stop all this “fiddle faddle” which is going on in the “High Places” throughout the “Have plenty” countries of our beautiful world. Let us turn our attention and devote our leadership energies to the development of a new philosophy and a new methodology, which would allow a just and equal distribution of the things and the services of which our skills and ingenuity as people of Planet Earth are capable.

When this new program is instituted, then mankind will be able to look forward to having fresher, clean air to breath, cool, refreshing, pure water to drink; soil on which to grow health-giving food for our bodies; and a future free from the fear of want.

So let us put these things, these arts and methods to the purposes for which they have been developed.

When we do this, then we who have voluntarily been committed to helping the less fortunate, the poverty stricken, the hungry, the sick and the homeless, can continue as “missionaries” for this new system of Universal Co-operation which could replace the existing highly Competitive system which we all live under. It is true that we each have a God-given faculty of Caring and Sharing. This faculty embraces the “Universal Co-operation” principle and at the same time negates the “Competitive” principle, which we would be leaving in the “recycle bin”.

With this newly installed old philosophy of “brotherhood”, would be the co-opting of certain technologies used by our “modern communications network”, for the distribution of any and all goods and services required for our physical and spiritual livelihood. In lieu of any form of money, each and every person would be given a special, registered “requisition card”, which could be appropriately named one’s personal “SHARE CARD”.

The Christian communities of the world have once again, this Easter Season, paid homage to the Resurrection (Recreating) Spirit available for our use. This spirit is evident in material form, in Nature all around us, waiting for our notice, our appreciation and appropriation for the benefit of all, at the same time, without endangering our environment.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

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