Drug Addiction and The Law

January 1st, 2001

Well here we are again!

This morning I wish to talk about another aspect of “human rights”. Our individual right to abuse our own bodies with known harmful substances is today’s concern.

We are in fact physically and spiritually related to every other creature, plant as well as animal. This means that we are responsible to others in our environment. What we do to ourselves, at least in some small way, we do to others.

Over many generations of human growth, biologists and botanist as well as health scientists have discovered that certain forms of plant life are beneficial as food while others are quite detrimental, even poisonous to human tissue and organisms. Some of these poisonous plants have been found, when used in controlled ways, prescribed by qualified authorities to act in a curative manner for certain illnesses. Human beings are parts of Nature, the world around us and so help to form our environment. In a similar way each of us helps to form the other person’s environment. A well-nourished body produced by the ingestion of the right amounts of life giving food derived from our environment, makes for a healthy, happy (satisfied) person. However, in many environments, in our civilization, there are millions of people deprived of this life-giving food. Some of them have found that the partaking of these “drugs” has in some way relieved them of their feeling of hunger. To these unfortunate people, the use of these “drugs” could soon become an unsatisfying habit, an addiction.

In our world of “money” and “business”, the activity of producing these “substances” is considered to be, a very lucrative business. One person’s craving soon becomes another person’s business. Although if small amounts of these “drug”-producing plants may be necessary for use in the field of medicine, is there then any reason why we should not restrict the growing of these plants to medical uses only?

In our world where “Free Enterprise” and the making of money is a necessity of life, as well as a way of life, it is very difficult, without the interference of the heavy hand of law enforcement to make and to enforce these necessary restrictions. As long as there is big business involved in Drug trafficking, just so long will there be a steady increase in drug addictions.

The permanent solution to this health-destroying addiction is to refrain from punishing the user and concurrently making it unnecessary for the drug traffickers to engage in these businesses, as their way of life. It then becomes the responsibility of drug treatment centers to help restore health to the addicted persons. Finally, we must place the blame wholly on the greatest of all perpetrators of “crimes against humanity”, our hitherto untouchable “Money Price System”, supported and abetted by “Party Politics”.

However, we do need a new method designed to facilitate a fair and equal distribution of the goods and services that can be produced by our many Industries. We do need the politics of the people, by the people to serve the people as and when deemed necessary, in each of the several geographic areas.

In closing, I refer you to my “View Twenty-five”- above.

From the Back Forty:

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Summit of Americas – Viewed From The “Back Forty”

January 1st, 2001

Here on my Back Forty, I had a good view of much of that activity and excitement, which took place on the Plains of Abraham as history was being reenacted.

Gathered in Quebec City, meeting behind closed doors, were thirty-four delegates (democratically (?) elected heads of state), from the constituent states of the Western Hemisphere. Their alleged purpose was to discuss ways and means of implementing “free trade” among themselves in a more or less democratic manner. It seems that these ways and means had been known in the minds of those delegates before this meeting took place.

The question still remains why should not these ways and means have been made known to their public before being implemented? On the streets of Quebec City, well protected behind a wall of concrete blocks and security fencing, thousands of (democratic) citizens, anxiously waited, wanting and willing to let their voices be heard. “Tell us the secret that is so vital for our welfare”. To make sure that the secrets, of this Political Brass assembly did not escape to these concerned civilians on the public side of the security fence, our federal government, the host for this assembly, had supplied members of the armed forces as well as police forces. They were well equipped with suitable arms and ammunitions; – just to make sure that trouble would not develop. It was evident, thanks to the excellent news coverage that a handful or so of the demonstrators succeeded in fomenting enough trouble to warrant the deployment of this mixed armed force. To demonstrate to the media, the magnitude of their strength and bravery, a large number of arrests (many false) were made and retained over night

The news media covering this event, kindly showed to the world individual photo shots of each of those political delegates. To me, here in the grass roots of Ontario, they appeared like ordinary people from their several geographical areas.

What is all this fuss about anyway?

It is not a secret that each of these countries is apparently interested and willing to have “Multinational Corporations” within its boarders where they assume control, in a more or less “democratic” manner. Here these corporations sanctioned by a majority vote of their shareholders, established and are ruling their own little “democracies”.

This is “Free Trade”, “Free Enterprise”! With no holds barred, may the best and the strongest of the corporations win! These are all parts of the future Global picture of our world “civilization”.

Well folks, if this is bound to happen, let it happen by a vote of informed civilians, in a civilized manner. Along with this planetary control by “free enterprise”, a common currency would eventually be mandated.

Here on my humble “Back Forty”, I offer you, who read my web page on the Internet, my studied opinion. I suggest to you a better way to solve our world crisis. First off, let me say that we do not need “world trade”. Furthermore, we do not need trade of any kind. Rather than trade, we need “Sharing” � world wide “sharing”. To make a “better world” we need to share between Nations, across boarders, across cultures, across religions. We need to practice sharing within families as well as from family to family, as well as our next-door Neighbours. We need to appreciate and to share with Nature, in appreciation for Nature’s sharing with us.

This concept of “Sharing” will naturally nurture the feeling of fellowship.

It is now true the world ruled by Politics and Economics requires Currency and then, for uniformity, a “common currency”. Here in my humble abode among the forces and creatures of Nature, I can see that, for many millenniums, “Money” in its many forms represented the measure of wealth and prosperity. Mankind has fought, struggled and squabbled over this concept. Many wars have been and are still being fought in order to obtain personal and national wealth represented by “Things” and “Currency”.

This “Currency” enjoys Competition but abhors Co-operation. In fact Currency is the very lifeblood of “Business”, large and small.

In our civilization the absence of “Currency” generates poverty, ill health, the housing crises, causes riots, robberies, criminals, wars, broken lives and broken homes.

Currency, Money and in its disguise, Credit, etc, has come to be regarded as the basis of our present-day civilization (?) It is for this reason that social reformers have, until now, regarded the Money System as well as “BUSINESS” as untouchable, too sacred to be considered replaceable.

Now in the twenty-first century, Science and Technology can challenge this notion. To explain this statement, I invite my reader to scan back several “Views” to the one about “Vi-Tocracy” (View twenty-five.).

Yes, my friend and neighbour, I was saddened and disgusted by the goings on in Quebec. I saw the Summit of Americas, a fragment of the World Summit being attacked by ill-informed civilians, who knew what they did not want, but were as yet ignorant of what they did want. When we get our act together, then I am sure we will be satisfied to let “Big Business”- Corporate Power, exhaust itself, leaving Industry in the hands of the qualified Civilians in our civilization where it has a right to be.

Let us now consider the implications of a Universal, No-currency Economy.

Within a relatively short period of time the scourge of Poverty would disappear from our world. Our relationship with Nature would begin to take on meaning. Most of the crimes against humanity and against individuals would vanish. Wars of all kinds would cease for lack of purpose. All employable individuals, male and female would be enabled to find suitable, useful activity right around home. The health and welfare of individuals would tend to improve, as is their right. National and cultural demarcation boundaries, separating nation from nation, would dissolve. Our engineers could begin at once to solve those universal pollution problems, without having to wait from two to five years to make feasibility studies. Those sacred words and phrases Democracy, Party Politics and Free Enterprise would be replaced by easily definable words like Fellowship Co-operation, Vi-Tocracy (unity with Nature), Caring and Sharing, Each for All and All for Each.

Yes my Friends and Neighbours, I believe this is what “Civil Rights” is all about! This is what we should be asking those who are occupying those exalted positions of world leadership! If anything, this is what all of you, who enjoy marching, should be marching for!

Well, that’s the way I perceived this “SUMMIT of AMERICAS”.

Now, I must go have my nap!

From the Back Forty –

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

This Game Of Politics

January 1st, 2001

Why do we keep playing this old game at which the ordinary citizen seldom if ever wins?

The Politicians, Bankers with their Money Changers, the assumed leaders in the “Have plenty” countries, fiddle and faddle about their personal security and prestige, while the welfare of their world as well as the world of the rest of us, is allowed to suffer by neglect. The air and water pollution grows steadily worse. The soil, on which we live and which is responsible for the food, which nourishes our bodies, is dangerously being neglected and contaminated. The millions of the poor keep getting poorer as the rich get richer, bitten by the “affluenza virus”.

I ask this question, why should we insist on letting the Politicians with their co-workers in the Banking World keep control of our World Resources, our Industries, our Welfare Institutions and our Distribution Systems?

Products of all kinds have been and are continuously being designed, engineered and made by Technicians and Trained Operators, using materials originally acquired from Nature. Each and all of these finished products are distributed by Transportation to the consuming public (you and I) by trained operators and technicians, either by road, rail, air or water.

Our Communications systems work hand in hand with Transportation and are also operated and maintained by special technicians, trained operators and engineers.

Our Health and Welfare Systems as well, are staffed and operated by skilled, trained individuals, in the form of doctors, nurses and special technicians using products researched and produced by Industry. It should be noted, in every case stated above that the operating-controlling personnel are products of an educational system, which is also staffed by qualified people.

In reply to my initial question, it seems that a naiveté public, whose life habits and expectations, dating prior to the Industrial Revolution, allows this “Politicians and Bankers” society to continue to rule the lives of billions of us individual inhabitants.

At that time, it seems that there were not enough of the necessities to go around. This material fact made it seem necessary to develop a system of social control through product distribution. Thus, it seemed necessary to decide who, what group or which individual or individuals could get what and how much.

Now, we in the twenty-first century have thoroughly learned the arts and the techniques for producing a great plenty of the essentials for living in a health giving life-style for everyone. What we did not learn however was how to design a just and equable method of distribution of these essential products and services to each and every person.

The time is now well over-due to stop all this “fiddle faddle” which is going on in the “High Places” throughout the “Have plenty” countries of our beautiful world. Let us turn our attention and devote our leadership energies to the development of a new philosophy and a new methodology, which would allow a just and equal distribution of the things and the services of which our skills and ingenuity as people of Planet Earth are capable.

When this new program is instituted, then mankind will be able to look forward to having fresher, clean air to breath, cool, refreshing, pure water to drink; soil on which to grow health-giving food for our bodies; and a future free from the fear of want.

So let us put these things, these arts and methods to the purposes for which they have been developed.

When we do this, then we who have voluntarily been committed to helping the less fortunate, the poverty stricken, the hungry, the sick and the homeless, can continue as “missionaries” for this new system of Universal Co-operation which could replace the existing highly Competitive system which we all live under. It is true that we each have a God-given faculty of Caring and Sharing. This faculty embraces the “Universal Co-operation” principle and at the same time negates the “Competitive” principle, which we would be leaving in the “recycle bin”.

With this newly installed old philosophy of “brotherhood”, would be the co-opting of certain technologies used by our “modern communications network”, for the distribution of any and all goods and services required for our physical and spiritual livelihood. In lieu of any form of money, each and every person would be given a special, registered “requisition card”, which could be appropriately named one’s personal “SHARE CARD”.

The Christian communities of the world have once again, this Easter Season, paid homage to the Resurrection (Recreating) Spirit available for our use. This spirit is evident in material form, in Nature all around us, waiting for our notice, our appreciation and appropriation for the benefit of all, at the same time, without endangering our environment.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Federal Throne Speech and All That

January 1st, 2001

Well, I listened and watched, with interest and with some considerable amazement, the traditional opening of the Parliament of the Federal Government of Canada. She, the Governor General, beautifully read the traditional “Throne Speech”, page after page, after page, reminding us of those many unfulfilled and forgotten promises of yesteryear and again promising, many things they cannot or do not intend to do, depending on the wishes of the several, influential Party backers as well as the required budgeted funds. All the time of the reading, the faithful party members sat listening in an attentive, approving manner? The many opposition party members listened uneasily, wishing for the reading to end so that, they too, could express themselves in regard to this seemingly, endless speech (reading).

As I listened, I wondered, why did the Governor General have to read this speech for the Prime Minister? Did he wish to put himself at “arm’s length” from these ideas, which were, in fact only partly his? Surely his Cabinet and his staff of co-workers as well, had considerable input?

Then the thought persists, why do we need this official called “Governor General”? We, the franchised voters and ratepayers, never have any voice in its appointment. On the other hand we did show a unanimous vote to elect this Liberal leader as our Prime Minister along with a collection of faithful party members. From among these Party members, according to the Constitution, he was required to select or reselect the required number of qualified individuals to form his “Cabinet”. These Cabinet members would form the various government departments necessary to govern this great Dominion in its many, varied facets.

Why a Governor General?

The answer is, I suppose, tradition. It is very difficult to break away from tradition, as long as it appears to be performing its useful function. I believe that the time has now come for us to consider this and many other “traditions”, which have outlived their usefulness and are cluttering our social environment.

I recall there was a need expressed in this Throne Speech for a complete overhaul of the Parliamentary System of our government. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century seems to be the time to earnestly consider this.

It was also suggested that the changes made, should be so made as to be in keeping with our development in technology, of which we are, justly proud.

We were also reminded that we are living in a global society. This also must be taken into consideration in any future planning. We have long considered ourselves as living in a Democracy, even if, for the most part, our laws and our actions are not, by definition, always “democratic”

From the invention of the wheel and the associated mechanical devices from the discovery of the miracle powers of Nature’s forces, especially “electrical”, with the resulting Industrial, Commercial, Communications revolutions, the miracles of this 21st century were produced. It is well known that many cultural changes have taken place to accommodate the physical changes.

During the course of these revolutions, our one medium of exchange for the distribution of these goods and services has been our much-revered “Money Price System” in its many different guises. However, now at the beginning of the 21st century is the opportune time for a change. We have, with our developing of our sophisticated communications network devices and systems, the efficient means to peacefully overthrow these “money changers” for the good of our country, and our planet, our civilization and our ecology.

We have learned how to produce in abundance, all of the necessities for the lives of some six billions of us human beings, in a sustainable manner. By the same token then, why is it not possible to distribute to each one of these members of the human race a just proportion of these goods and services required for a healthy, dignified existence? If we all really care, we can share!

As we have heard paraphrased many times, “Seek and you shall find, ask and it will be given to you according to your present need”. We would need but to ask with the swiping motion of our personal, plastic “Share Card” which we would carry with us in lieu of money for the purchase of all of life’s available necessities, as well as our ID card.

You will notice that, by definition, I have expanded the term “democracy” to include, our much-abused member and co-worker of our human race. I refer to Mother Nature with all of her energies and resources.

The word “Vi-Tocracy”, when examined carefully seems to fill all of these requirements, embracing the governance of both human beings and “natural resources”(plants, animal life, minerals and energy), in fact, all of LIFE, Spiritual as well as Physical.

Yours for one universal government of all creatures, Great and Small”

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

The Charter

January 1st, 2001

This new society could be visualized as a “Federation of “Nationalities”, which would be built from a Federation of Neighborhoods”. “This in turn, would expand into a “Federation of Federations”. And on up the pyramid to the “World Federation”. “The Word”, the charter of the people, representing a new dispensation, would contain the governing principles of this global organization. Thus, in this manner, from the Grass Roots, the people of the world–all Nations, Colour, Gender, Religious Belief, and Culture, male and female could, co-operatively share in this great plan of rescuing our Planet from the prophesied inevitable catastrophe.

The foundation on which “The Charter” would be built would be this statement of universal belief:

Our world is just a fragment of the whole Universe, which was created by some great, all-powerful, invisible, mysterious, mathematically undetectable “Force”, which we will never fully know and except in part, never fully understand. This “Power”, which now, is indeed, an integral part of all of Life, has been given a number of names, “God”, “Jehovah”, “All Mighty One”, “Heavenly Father”, “Creator”, “Great Spirit”, etc.

We further believe that along with the creation of our Universe, a complete set of Physical and Spiritual laws or rules was created and left in our keeping. These Laws, alone, control and govern all of Creation, the parts we have known as well as those other parts, which we do not yet know. The practical application of these laws controls our relationship among ourselves as well as our relationship to all other Life Entities in our environment.

There shall be no Political or National boarders separating groups of individuals. For control and operational purpose, certain Geographical and Geological boundaries may need to be assumed. Private Property rights and Territorial rights would naturally follow that redundant trilogy of Free Enterprise, Business and Political Partyism to that popular recycling bin.

As I mentioned, the Master Creator enacted two basic Laws, which were responsible for all of His Creation. The first law, we recognize as “The law of competition or the Survival of the Fittest”. Although this law was appropriate to life in the jungle days, when life in the numerous, various forms was being created, it was seen that it was not going to be such a good idea after Mankind had evolved. So it was that the Creator established the “Law of Co-operation”. This law, henceforth, was to supersede the first law in most matters of human relationships.

Then it was discovered that man could co-operate more effectively, when he himself had a feeling of some sense of accomplishment and well-being. In the course of time, this first law, the “Law of Competition” was modified somewhat, to apply so that Men and Women could learn to compete with themselves in order to gain self-improvement and self-respect. These two laws now stand together in the “Book of Life”. The 1st. law, according to the Christian Bible, translates as follows:

“We each should learn to honor and to respect each of those divine, inner qualities of kindness, forgiveness, gentleness, love of beauty in the sights and sounds in nature and to so improve ourselves, that we may be enabled to contact that essence of God within each of us.”

The 2nd Law: “We each must learn to respect each of our neighbours, as a member the larger Family of Creation, which indeed we are. We need to understand and to respect, all color and cultural differences in this diversified realm of mankind. We must learn this truth: ‘We are each other’s Life Support system’ and therefore are needed for each other’s well being”. “We are our brother’s keeper”. In order to survive as the Human Species, and to create harmony in society, as well as to save and protect our environment, we must all work together. Co-operation among families, among communities, among races, among cultures, among religions is what this revised concept of society, “Vi-Tocracy”, is all about.

This document has expressed concerns about the millions of people, worldwide, who are not just hungry, but starving. This treatise is about homeless human beings, who wonder why, in this world of more than plenty to share? This concern is about the wanton destruction of our forests, our soil, our wetlands, our lakes, our rivers, as well as our wild life on the plains, in the forests, the streams, the rivers and oceans. I have written this discussion because I, as well as countless others, am deeply troubled by Man’s apparent inhumanity to fellow man. Daily, I ponder the question of Nation warring against Nation in order to acquire more wealth, superiority and security for themselves. I ponder the question of selfish aggressiveness, especially among families, who are overstressed, trying to balance their meager budgets.

To me, it is important that this document of profound ideas and answers to vital, troubling questions be given careful consideration. Having done this, please convey your reaction to me and to other similar minds! What are your thoughts?

You may contact me by post, by e-mail or by voice mail. Your neighborhood, your world, needs to know what can be done about our sick and suffering society.

If what I have attempted to say to you is “good news”, pass it along to someone else. Remember, our world is asking for the answer! People such as you and me make up this world society. People do make a difference! Ah yes!

Now, allow me to summarize: From the dawn of civilization, the “Society of Man” has lived in competition, not only with Nature but also with fellow man. This Society has always been controlled by a product /service distribution system which, for the lack of a better name, we call the “Money Price system”. The benefits as well as the detriments of this system have been well documented many times by many learned scholars and social workers as well as philosophers have administered potions and band-Aids in an endeavor to heal this diseased society. Although this work is highly commendable, I have already pointed out that a real “cure” is possible and within reach. Until such a cure is in place and working these palliatives will be of great value.

However, it is of great importance that the cause and the cure must of necessity be repeatedly made known. No man knows for sure when that “hour cometh” when the “Old Wine Skin” must be discarded and replaced by the “New One”.

The time will surely come for this to happen! It is therefore expedient to have this “New Wine Skin” ready for use, to replace that “Old one”.

From; “The Back Forty” – Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Vi-Tocracy: Sharing

January 1st, 2001

People Sharing with People,

Sharing with Nature,

Would Create a

True Caring and Sharing

World Society.

“New Wine Skins for New Wine”

Eventually, Men and women will become fed up with the hardships, the poverty, the stress, the uncertainty and the warfare characteristic of our “Free Enterprise” society, as well as with the injustices of our outworn “Economic System”. When this happens, through the use of numerous, organized referenda, the people of the world can decide to collectively and peacefully abandon this ‘sacred’, insecure “ship of state” and climb aboard the new ship “VI-TOCRACY”. In the meantime, it is important to thoroughly understand the nature of this new “Ship of State”, what it looks like and what it feels like, inside and out.

Now, please join me here in my little cabin, “Greenwood Cottage”, here on the “Back Forty”. It is here in the humble “Grass Roots” of my country and your country where civilization begins. This is where change and growth takes place. It is here in the rural areas, in the towns and in the cities where people live and work and play, that “Vi-Tocracy” can germinate, take root and grow.

Here, each municipal unit or area, which now has a municipal governing body, would be declared an autonomous unit, subject to the collective will of the people in that area. In turn, each autonomous unit would be required, as much as possible, not only to co-exist in a sustainable way with all parts of its Natural Environment, but also to reach out to its neighboring Units in active communication. When this is done we will have a network of active autonomous Neighborhoods. Each of these municipalities, towns, villages, cities, etc could keep their identifying name they now have plus a number, which would be their global location, i.e. the intersection of their latitude and longitudinal lines.

” We Share Because We Care”

However these would be more than just words.

This expression would be incorporated into

The working philosophy of a

“World Charter”

Immediately following a “Referendum”, which would vote out “The Old Regime” and vote in a New Way of Life on Planet Earth, a Global Census would of necessity be taken. Each person would register at a registry office in his hometown. Here, he would be provided with a special permanent “ID.” Card, about the size of our, now familiar, “Visa” card. Like our Visa card, there would be the inevitable magnetic strip containing the user’s identification data along with the request of purchase. There would also be a serial number; which would in part be made up of the location of the registry office (latitude /longitude), as mentioned above.

The holder would need to use this card, which could be known as the “SHARE CARD”, each and every time a purchase of either “Goods” or “Services” is made. In use, the method would be as simple as paying by Visa or by Bank Debit Card. At the checkout counter or the order desk after the usual scanning of the product’s bar code, the customer’s “Share Card” would be electronically scanned. This dual process sends a communication to the supplier of the article or the service, requesting the article or the service (health, education, recreation, entertainment, transportation, etc), in a sense, be debited to the cardholder. In the case of a product, this electronic signal would go to the supplier (warehouse of the production industry) to indicate that the production of this article should to be continued.

From this point, similar requisitions would be sent along a network to activate the various operations and finally to the supplier of the raw materials. In this way, an accurate accounting and control can be kept of all of our natural resources used to produce these goods or services.

Having registered, each person would consequently become a legitimate citizen of the Global Village (the Earth) and as such, would be entitled to all of the privileges as well as the obligations, accorded by “The Charter”, i.e., a proportionate share of the Goods and Services either Natural or Contrived, currently available. In return, in as much as would be physically possible, a contribution of his or her knowledge and skills to the work and welfare of his or her neighborhood would be expected.

It is evident now; there would no longer be any need for Banks or any other Financial Institution. As such, these institutions would become redundant. Their buildings, if necessary, could be retrofitted to serve the purposes of the New Regime. Many of those architectural masterpieces, which had been built as tributes to Free Enterprise, along with certain, historical, heritage mansions and castles, would probably be voted to remain as show places, or as places of entertainment. Without having the concern of property rights, taxes and upkeep expense in the usual way, our National Parks and Conservation areas could be expanded and improved upon as seen advisable, in keeping with the long term policy of the “Global Charter”.

Unrestricted free enterprise and competition have, to a large extent, created “Mega Corporations” of industry and commerce. These business enterprises have built up a “global network” of operation and control. Although this Conglomerate of Corporate Power has alarmed many “entrepreneurs”, I see how it has played into the hands of the designers of this New Age. They have shown that a global network of computers was not only possible but has already been established. It now remains for “Vi-Tocracy” to modify and adapt this growing network to the uses of this Global Village.

This global government of the people would work in cooperation with People for the benefit of the People as well as all “Natural Life” in general.

I believe that there is no man or woman intellectually and physically capable of governing a large group of people, without first establishing the power of “The Word”.

Such a group of words would form a set of operating, governing rules or principles forming a charter or constitution. This would be freely conceived and understood by the people (the electorate). This “Word” or Charter, conceived and spoken throughout this Global Village, would become the “I Am”, the governing principle to which the people-appointed leader must subscribe. This new government would have neither King, Emperor, President, Prime Minister, Sheik, the Pentagon nor military Dictator.

The SPIRIT of “The Word” as set forth in “The Charter”, would be the required Figure Head to guide this new World Government which would operate under the leadership of an appointed Chair Person.

Yours From the Back Forty:

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)


January 1st, 2001

The Other Way –

To a World of Simplicity, with Peace and Security,

Where Faith generates Action;

Producing a ‘Caring and Sharing Society’.

In unity with Nature.

In the security of my snow-bound cabin, I look back, in reverie, over the events of the past century. From this perspective, I perceive that our patient, abused, old planet has gone through a great many momentous, physical and social transformations.

Science and Technology, controlled and managed by inexorable Business practices, have radically changed our Way of Life. The results of some of these changes have tended to give a better way of life to a certain minority. Those who had, had been able to obtain even more. However those who had little often lost that which they had.

The Second World War, which was a second attempt to end all wars, followed the “Great Depression”, which was largely an economic product of the First World War. It was noted that this did give some temporary relief to our economic distress by conscripting many men and women for duty to their country, either indirectly in industry or directly to serve the war machine. With this war, they thought that they had saved our world from destruction and domination by any one super power, by inventing and using that Super Bomb. This, by its very nature, should have outlawed any future war?

But wars did not cease. They merely changed their nature. Just as what happened to the “Magic Broom Stick”, when it was broken, it was still a broomstick fragmented into many pieces! Unfortunately, we did not learn that wars could not be ended by “counter wars”!

This new “salvation for our way of life”, has lead us on a campaign whose ultimate goal could be the possible destruction of our environment along with our social system and then, ultimately the destruction of all of the human species.

It seems that the competitive spirit that was born in humanity’s jungle days had been resurrected and revitalized to serve in rebuilding our economy so as to establish us in a place of pre-eminence among the nations of the world.

Today, all of us are living in this very active “free enterprise, competitive, capitalist society”. This, we have been told is what worldly success is all about.

Industries twinned with businesses have always been encouraged to create a “Demand” and to make “Profit and Production” their goal—the more profit from more production, the better.

It can now be seen that the twentieth century, from the end of that Second World War until the present time, employed this economic philosophy to the advantage of the operators and the speculators.

One might say, in spite of several ups and downs, this past century was quite successful in spawning and developing many innovative technologies. These technologies, when applied to this combination of Industry plus Business, were responsible for the countless, sometimes useless, devices and gadgets made for the consuming, subservient public. This activity over-used many of our precious Natural Resources thereby creating much wasteful garbage, as well as air, soil and water pollution. This pollution is now fast approaching the danger point.

I have seen those faithful horses with buggies, replaced by the faster, sleeker, energy consuming, and pollution-generating automobiles. On the farms, I have seen the single furrow, horse drawn “walking plow”, replaced first by the farm tractor, then by those farm leviathans that do all of the crop preparation in one pass. These, in turn generated many other industries to service and supply them with an increasing number of gadgets, some useful, some necessary, others, questionable. I saw the simple country, party line Telephone spawn in turn, the Radio and the Television, reputed to be necessities for every home. I saw the rail traffic systems expand from the pollution generating, coal fired locomotives to high-speed, sleek electric and diesel-electric trains spanning the continents. I have seen the cumbersome Bi-plane of the Wright Bros grow to the giant “Concord”, as well as the super airliners projected for the future. I have seen the computer, originally designed for Industry and Business develop from huge mechanical devices requiring special rooms to contain them, to hand held devices and, as I hear tell, still smaller ones projected for everyday use in the future. I bear witness to the Silicone-Business-Industrial trilogy, with their goal of having at least one PC (personal computer) in every home, linked in a “World-wide Web” designed for business and commerce as well as for entertainment.

From here, I see these three giants; Technology, Industry and Business, forever racing on headlong, followed closely by Party Politics, to a finish line somewhere– where they know not. They cannot see their goal because of the dazzling light of fleeting “monetary success”.

Not only do they visualize the World as their prey, they now have their eyes focused (however dimly) on the Stars and “Outer Space” as opportunities for human habitation, commerce and exploitation.

Let us pause here while we consider the full meaning of this appetite for unrestricted expansion and profit. What has this philosophy with its associated activity, not only done but is it still doing, at an alarming rate, to our environment and to the social lives of the six billion or so human beings struggling to live here? Speed, everywhere seems to be paramount.

What has this philosophy and activity done to our wild life of which we, whether we like it or not, are an important part? Biological science is trying to explain to us the vital importance of all life forms, active in our environment. At the same time scientists are trying to create new forms of life. We are all in this Life Cycle together, each sustaining the other, often in very mysterious ways. As I have frequently said, “We are each others life support system”. Are we not?

From my perspective, here on my Back Forty, I notice that many of our forests and our wood lots, some of which have taken several centuries to grow, are rapidly being used unsustainably, even to the point of extinction.

Our wetlands, our streams, our lakes and our fresh water rivers are becoming dangerously contaminated and unfit for their intended use of serving many of our living organisms including mankind.

Let us consider these facts, while I search for a drink of fresh, clean water!

Your Neighbor,

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Beyond the Sunset – There Is A New Sunrise

January 1st, 2000

It seems appropriate and indeed quite fitting, in the Christian world, that New Years follows Christmas.

The twentieth century, with its many momentous crises, chasing each other from year 1900 all the way to year 2000 has at last succumbed to the inevitable march of time and has become history. The 21st century has now replaced that old outworn 20th century. The human race is now entering what we call the third millennium.

Two millennia ago a great Teacher and Wayshower appeared among us to teach His brothers and sisters how to live and grow to maturity as worthy members of the greatest of all creations, the Human Race. He tried to show us by word and by deed that the most desirable way to live was the way of “Co-operation”. This, He said, is the way of “Caring and Sharing” among ourselves in our neighborhoods of Industry and Social Activity. This enunciation gave rise to that now overworked word “Salvation”.

I recall to mind the first line of a little verse I once remember reading. “We are here and all born little just because we are here to grow”. This seems to say that we each have an ongoing urge for growth and freedom. This seems to be echoed in the infant’s first exultant cry of life and freedom on leaving the confining security of its mother’s life-giving body into a world of many life-giving challenges.

This Teacher, this Master Mind, declared to the world that it is inadvisable to put “New Wine into Old Wine Skins”, if we expect this “New Wine” to serve the purpose for which it was made.

On this note of optimism, let us now begin our activity in this new century.

In my imagination, I visualize our expectantly waiting world taking the form of numerous Autonomous Societies, Neighborhoods or Communities. Here the people would live peacefully among themselves following the rule of the all-encompassing law of “Caring and Sharing”. Here party politics would be unthinkable as well as unnecessary. This principle of “caring and sharing” would be found to be too good to be kept among them and so would be shared with each and every other neighborhood. This would form a Global Network of Communication and Activity, governed by an all-embracing Charter or Constitution of operating rules or principles without the need for any biological figurehead as a ruler.

I see People governing people and their environment, guided by their People-created and people-sanctioned Charter. This Charter could be likened to “The Word”.

Under this Charter and guided by it, I visualize a special Global Committee or Council, consisting of responsible, qualified men and women representing each of the various ethnic cultures, communicating via the appropriate communication media. This Council’s field of activity would deal with global concerns, with human and natural resources as well as research and development. Working under and responsible to this Committee would be Regional Councils dealing with each of the Geographical and Ecological areas.

These Regional Councils would routinely receive reports from the constituent Neighborhoods in regard to Industrial and Natural resources.

Each of the Neighborhoods, wherever situated in whatever geographical or ecological region, would be responsible for the production and the distribution of the necessary goods and services (food, clothing, housing health, educational) as well as all other services needed for the health and sustenance of each individual in his or her home neighborhood.

The Regional and Global Communication Industrial Authority would, as well as the regular responsibility of maintaining and researching the various communication systems, issue periodic bulletins to remind each person of his and her responsibility in this new “Care and Share” society.

In this new tomorrow, each person would have his or her personal “Share Card”. This little “Card” is the person’s ID card as well as this person’s special kind of “credit card” which would be used in lieu of money in any form for the purchase of needful Goods and Services.

I visualize the day when a new world order (New Wine Skins) can be created.

With the co-operative good will and consent of the people; the precepts of science combined with the machinations of technology, this world of Humanity along with their habitat (the environment) could evolve from the present chaos and uncertainty that has marked the 20th century, into a state of comparative Order and Peace.

Thus in the fulfillment of time, this world of Humanity, co-existing sustainably with Nature, could be rescued from the present, apparent, downward spiral to its further chaos and destruction.

“Beyond the Sunset, I see a new Sunrise!”

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

A Voice From The Grass Roots

January 1st, 2000

From here on the steps of my cabin on my “Back Forty”, I perceive a growing connectedness in some places and at the same time, I see an increase in disconnectedness.

I see Businesses joining together to form Mega Corporations so as to better their position in the local and global markets.

I see the individuals of the consuming public, individually becoming increasingly competitive; when they are urged in many ways, by Society to continually strive harder in order to just make a living in their increasingly competitive society of competing individuals. Each individual must struggle individually in order to have the assurance of at least a minimum livelihood. The unspoken desire of most individuals is to ever compete in order to beat the other guy who is also competing in an increasingly stressful way.

I see this worldwide “Internet” of related Industries controlled by Big Business and Bankers, joined in communication by Telex, Fax, Telephone and Computer in order to better their profits and therefore their prestige in the business world.

In this world of interconnectedness for advantage and profit, I see untold millions of the “Human Dregs”, the “Chaff” of society just barely existing along side those fortunate ones who are “making it” in this world of “profit and loss”. It is an unwritten law in Nature that where there is Profit there must be Loss. Nature demands a balance.

However, I see a spark of hope shining as a glimmer in the dark of despair. In this world of democratic freedom, where Government, Politics and Religious Morality are not allowed to mix, I perceive that mankind in his ingenuity has developed, from the products of Nature, that marvelous little Silicone Chip. It was discovered that when used in conjunction with the Integrated Circuit, the computer age was made possible. Unknown to most, however, the computer with many of its developing possibilities, holds the key to solving the enigmas of both Mankind and of Nature. With this key, both everyday Mankind and Nature could at last be set free to enjoy the possibilities of each other. With this computer network of Industry, I see that Business would no longer be necessary to control the production and distribution of either Goods or Services.

This is the vision I see from my “Back Forty”.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)

Natural Resources

January 1st, 2000

Our Natural Resources are for us to Use, Conserve, and Reuse.

After wise and considered “Use” (consuming no more than is prudent) a certain amount of waste material is sure to accumulate. What to do?

First of all, it seems advisable, at the point of accumulation, to sort and classify (This would be the responsibility of the person or organization involved).

Having periodically classified this waste material, the large metal-containing articles should be recycled to the crucible for reuse as raw material according to the type of the metal or metals. It is also quite possible that some of these articles could be reconditioned and put back into service. Nonmetallic, used materials such as Plastics, Fiber, Glass, etc, could be ground or pulverized, treated if necessary and used as filler in building materials, etc. Most types of plastics could be recycled to raw materials and used for other plastic articles. Kitchen garbage (plant material) could be flushed down the sewer through domestic Garbage Disposal units, either built into or added as an accessory to existing kitchens. This effluent would then be flushed, harmlessly into the local Sanitary Sewer system. Here at the sewage treatment plant, machine and chemical processing would reduce this sludge waste material to fertilizer products and eventually returned to the soil. Bathroom waste could be treated in a similar manner.

At the present time however, important research is being done in regard to the treatment and disposal of this bathroom waste. The resulting sewage liquids in all cases could be chemically treated in such a way that they would be non-contaminating.

The question now is inevitable; will this not cost a lot of money? Who will foot the bill for all of this?

In this case, as in many other issues affecting the general public, the Real Cost is governed by the overall benefits to be derived; the more the benefits, the less the apparent cost.

Now consider this: Naturally, energy in the form of Kilowatts of power would be required to make and maintain the above processing equipment. However, since energy, like the raw materials used, is cyclical, that is never used up or lost, but changed from one form to another, it seems to me that, in the end the only cost is in the wages and or salaries paid to the workers involved in the project. Since I am discussing this project in the context of a cashless economy, then the real cost is a matter of the will required to get the job done.

Nothing should be considered impossible if the results are projected to be beneficial.

Now for the final question: Why should we move our waste to someone else’s back yard, since technologists tell us that it can be recycled quite efficiently at the point of creation?

Nature I believe, can and will take care of most things in her own way and in her own time, if we would step aside from our own ego and let Her work her many “Magic Tricks”.

It is true, we mankind, in our ignorance, have not yet learned most of these secrets. This is indeed unfortunate because Mother Nature has many things to teach us regarding our relationship to her, as well as to each other.

Timothy Haystubble (Grass Roots Philosopher)